1. Introduction
1.1 The website www.antoniaskaraki.com (hereinafter "Website") belongs to the Limited Partnership Antonia Skaraki and Co L.P., owner of the A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION trademark (hereinafter A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION) based at Pavlou Mpakogianni 28B, 145 62, Kifisia Athens, tel.: +30 210 808 66 36, TIN: 801468167, IRS: Kifisias, e-mail: info(at)antoniaskaraki(dot)com and is engaged in marketing, design, corporate identity and advertising-communication.
1.2 Please read carefully the following Terms and Conditions regarding the use of the Website (Terms of Use), the Privacy Policy, as well as the Cookies’ Policy before proceeding with any action, interaction with, access to and use of this website. The access to, browsing and use of the Website and the services provided equal, on behalf of the visitors/users of the website, registered or not, the unconditional acceptance of its terms of use and operation (hereinafter "Terms"), which govern the use of this online store and the pages it contains, and which bind all its visitors/users. In case of the User’s disagreement with any of the terms, he/she must stop immediately and avoid browsing the Website. The use of the Website’s content is therefore subject to the unconditional acceptance of the: a) Terms of Use b) Privacy Policy and c) Cookies Policy.
2. Scope - General Terms - Access and Use of the Website, Order and Payment
2.1 These terms govern the use of the Website and its services by the visitor/user (hereinafter "the User"), as well as the processing of any personal data of its visitors. The User is invited to read carefully and accept these terms. In case of the User’s disagreement with any of the terms, he/she must stop immediately, avoid browsing the Website and notify its administrator if required.
2.2 The A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION reserves the right to freely, unilaterally and without notice, revise, modify or repeal the Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy, and the Cookies Policy. Posting on the Website itself is sufficient for any new Term to enter into force, or to modify or remove an existing Term. The A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION reserves the right to modify, suspend, cease the operation of the Website and/or the services provided, at any time and without notice, subject to the rights of users and third parties by law or by contract with the A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION.
2.3 All Terms are essential. The violation, in any way, of the Terms by the visitor/user entails the sanctions of the current legislation and the obligation of the user to compensate any damage of the A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION or a third party, for the illegal and non-compliant behaviour of the user. The A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION, in case of violation of the Terms, may prohibit the user from accessing the Website and the services it offers, delete the user’s account and the information communicated by the user, without any notice, and exercise all rights provided by law.
2.4 The non-exercise of the rights of the A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION deriving from these Terms, does not imply its waiver of these rights in any way, nor does it imply the tacit abolition of any Term. The A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION is also not responsible for violation of the Terms due to reasons of force majeure, including indicatively war, pandemic, physical catastrophes and all other uncontrollable events and situations.
2.5 The users/visitors are obliged to respect and comply with the Greek, European and international laws and regulations, which apply to the use of the Website; the users/visitors should the exercise their rights within the limits of good faith and fair-trade practices, should not hinder its use by third parties in any way and not perform acts or omissions, which may cause damage or malfunction to the Website, affect or endanger the provision of services by the Website.
2.6 The A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION declares that it is not responsible for any damage of any counterparty or third party caused by illegal behaviour of the counterparty or third party, as long as it fulfils its own obligations. The Website's services are intended exclusively for adults. Minors are prohibited from using or visiting it, as well as entering into transactions. The Website bears absolutely no responsibility for its possible visit and its use by minors who do not have the legal capacity or legally assisted persons, since the identity of incoming users/visitors cannot be checked.
2.7 The Website strives to maintain and ensure the availability of the website and its content. Regardless of these efforts, the availability of this website depends on various factors, such as, for example, the technical equipment of the users, the number of users trying to connect to this website or the internet at the same time, etc. The Website is also entitled to properly maintain the website, even if this results in the inevitable temporary shutdown of its operation.
2.8 A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION reserves the right, at any time and without notice, to change the nature and content of the Website, as well as to suspend or cease, temporarily or permanently, its operation. Its operation may also cease or be suspended or impeded for reasons beyond its control or will. The Website makes every effort to ensure the accuracy, completeness, validity and clarity of the information and its general content but does not guarantee or is responsible towards users/visitors for the security and content of the website. Moreover, it cannot guarantee nor is responsible towards users/visitors that data (photos, texts etc.) or other elements included in its content do not infringe the rights of third parties.
2.9 User and Customer Views
The A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION www.antoniaskaraki.com website may provide its users and customers with the opportunity to publish their views on a product displayed on the website, as well as to comment on articles and opinions published on this website. This content, if available, is and remains the sole responsibility of the user from whom it originates, and the user remains solely responsible for it.
The user understands and accepts that this information is published after a prior check of A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION, which explicitly reserves the right not to approve their publication, as well as the right to remove afterwards, at any time, any content published by the user.
The user accepts that by using the pages and services of A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION he/she may be exposed to content with which he/she does not agree. He/she also understands and accepts that A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION cannot be considered to embrace or that it is responsible for the content published by the user. The judgments and opinions of users and customers are completely personal, and the pre-check as well as their publication by A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION does not mean that it agrees or accepts their judgments or opinions or that it agrees with their correctness.
3. Responsibility - Security
3.1 The content of the Website is provided "as it is". Every effort is made for the security and validity of the content. However, A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION neither commits, nor does it guarantee or does it assume any responsibility regarding the content and security of the Website. The User accepts that he/she uses the published content and the offered services at his/her own risk. Users/visitors who do not trust A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION are invited not to visit or use the Website.
3.2 Users/visitors are encouraged to use anti-virus software, which is highly advised in order to keep them protected from both viruses and other malicious programmes and components. The A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION states that it closely monitors the security level of its services on the web, by using programmes against the spread of viruses and malware. However, users/visitors, while browsing the Website, are advised to use protection software, because A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION bears absolutely no responsibility for any damage, harm, or infection from cyber viruses and/or other malicious programmes, in computer or other electronic means and devices in general, in the programmes and data of the user/visitor of our services, during the access and use of the Website, nor is it responsible for any damage related to inability to execute, errors, omissions, interruptions, defects, operation or transmission delays or system line drops, etc.
3.3 The visitors/users of the Website are explicitly prohibited from interfering in the format, function, services, content, databases and any element of the Website, using any mechanism, malicious or non-malicious software, electronic or non-electronic process, sending unwanted or harmful files, such as, for example, spam, viruses, malware, etc., which would affect, damage, inhibit, disrupt and generally interfere with its proper function. The A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION reserves the right to seek redress for damages that may be caused to it by illegal behaviours, such as those mentioned above, as well as the criminal prosecution of the person(s) in charge.
3.4 The A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION is absolved from any responsibility for the content that any third parties publish on the Website, as long as it meets the obligations of care and control prescribed by law.
3.5 Any potential information and advice provided, on issues related to health, prevention, nutrition, beauty and aesthetics, are offered for information only and in no way replace medical advice, opinions, diagnoses and prescriptions from professional doctors, medical institutions and diagnostic centres, which must be received and followed by the user of the services of the Website, in order to deal with any health problems and daily issues that concern him/her. The advice and information provided by the Website in response to user questions are subject to the accuracy, completeness and truthfulness of the information provided by the user, for the issue that concerns him/her, the characteristics of which (information) the Website is not in a position, nor is it required to confirm. In case of untrue, inaccurate and/or incomplete information by the user, A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION is absolved from liability for the validity of the advice provided and from liability for damage to the user from information and/or advice unsuitable for his/her needs.
3.6 The A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION is absolved from any liability for any damage to the user, legal or contractual obligation to the user and any direct or ancillary claim of the user or third party, if the user violates the Terms of Use and operation of this website, proceeds to invalid, inaccurate and incomplete provision of the requested and non-requested information and data, develops illegal behaviour, in the context of his/her browsing the Website, violates the rules of conduct of users, legal or customary, improperly fulfils his/her legal and/or contractual obligations, through acts or omissions. The user explicitly accepts and acknowledges the exemption, as mentioned above, of A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION and accepts that he/she bears full responsibility for his/her actions and the ancillary obligations to compensate the injured.
3.7 This website provides the content (e.g., information, names, photos, illustrations, etc.), products and services available through this website "as they are", without any warranty expressed or/and implied in any way.
3.8 The A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION is not in a position, nor is it obliged to examine the validity, truth, completeness and accuracy of the information provided by the users, personal and non-personal data on the website of the online store. The A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION does not make any corrections or interventions in the data and information that the user provides in any way to A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION, without the prior information - consent of the user. Also, A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION does not guarantee that the content of the Website and the quality of the services provided through it will meet the needs, requirements and expectations of its users/visitors. Any direct, consequential, ancillary, indirect or consequential damages arising from the access to this website, or its use, do not create responsibility for the Website, the executives, employees or associates of the Website and/or A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION.
3.9 The A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION in no case bears responsibility for any claims of legal (civil and/or criminal) nature, nor for any damage (positive, special, or negative, which indicatively and not restrictively, divisively and/or cumulatively consists in loss of profits, data, lost profits, monetary satisfaction, etc.), which arises for users/visitors of this website, or for third parties, due to reasons related to the operation or not and/or the use of the website and/or inability to provide services and/or information available through it and/or from any unauthorised interference by third parties with products and/or services and/or information available through it.
4. User Behaviour and Obligations
4.1 The User accepts and recognises all intellectual property rights that belong or may belong to A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION (except for specific rights of third parties) regarding the form and content of the Website, which are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek, European and international law. Indicatively, these rights concern marks, insignia, photographs, texts, announcements, registered or not. The user/visitor is obliged to comply with all relevant Greek, European and international laws and regulations, including, indicatively and not restrictively, the laws concerning the protection of intellectual property, protection of personal data, protection of competition, etc. Also, the user/visitor must make use of this website and the services offered through it, in accordance with the accepted principles of morality and these Terms.
Therefore, the entire content of the website www.antoniaskaraki.com (indicatively and not restrictively: texts, graphics, photos, digital phonograms, programmes, news, information, data, illustrations, trademarks, distinctive features, names, logos, product names, company names, etc.), is an object of intellectual property that belongs exclusively to A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION or to the suppliers of its content and is governed by the applicable national, community and international provisions on Intellectual Property and unfair competition. In any case, the appearance and display of the above on this website should in no way be construed as a transfer or grant of their express or implied license or right of use.
4.2 The User states that he/she will not infringe these rights in any way, as it is expressly prohibited to use, copy, store, reproduce, republish, transmit, publish, download, translate and modify part or all of the content of the Website and the services offered on it, for commercial or other purposes, in part or in summary, without the prior express written consent of A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION. A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION reserves every right for any of its legal and/or contractual rights, on top of those explicitly mentioned in this paragraph.
4.3 The user states his/her sincere commitment to make lawful and appropriate use of the Website, in compliance with Greek and European legislation.
4.4 The User accepts that he/she understands the international character of the internet and commits to observe the proper behaviour (netiquette), while the use of practices and methods that are contrary to this code is expressly prohibited. In cases where the User is given the opportunity to publish or send to A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION any information, audiovisual material, text, link to another website or generally a file readable/executable by a computer or other electronic device, the content is the sole responsibility of the User who sent/published it. It is reminded that for every publication/submission it is necessary to have the right to transmit the content either according to the current legislation or based on any legal contractual relationship of the user.
In any case, the content of the above-mentioned data is prohibited to:
4.4.1 be illegal, abusive, vulgar, pornographic, threatening, defamatory, harassing, harmful to minors or express national, racial or other forms of discrimination.
4.4.2 infringe the intellectual or other property rights of third parties, including trademarks and secrets as well as patents.
4.4.3 include any virus, malware, pop-up and spam that could cause either temporary or permanent damage/malfunction to any hardware component (hardware) or software of computer or smart or non-electronic devices or delays, interference and interruptions in the operation of servers or any telecommunications network.
4.4.4 contain a false statement regarding the User or an imitation of any person (natural or legal).
4.4.5 contain false, inaccurate or intentionally incomplete information regarding the person, status, personal data and the reason for the visit of the specific User.
4.5 The User is obliged not to use the Website for the execution of acts, which may result in criminal prosecution or the initiation of any civil or administrative proceedings against A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION for acts, which are indicatively referred to in the Penal Code, to special criminal laws, personal data protection legislation, telecommunications legislation, the European Convention on Human Rights and the relevant legislation of the European Union, the National Telecommunications Commission, the Personal Data Protection Authority and any other Public or Administrative Authority or Service, as well as for acts that could infringe any right or other legal interest of A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION or a third party.
4.6 In case of illegal or contrary to the present terms of use of the Website, the User is obliged to compensate A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION for any damage from this use and to proceed to the immediate removal of the infringement. A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION reserves the right to exercise any other legal right. The user is obliged not to use this website, the website mail, the order and registration forms of the users, the discussion spaces or any other way of expression through this website or the accounts of the Website, for the publication of content that is illegal, harmful, threatening, offensive, disturbing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, blasphemous, libellous, violating the privacy of others, showing malice or expressing racial, ethnic or other forms of discrimination, which may cause harm to minors in any way, which may not be transmitted in accordance with the law or under contractual or managerial relationships (such as inside information, property and confidential information obtained or disclosed as part of employment relationships or covered by confidentiality agreements), or which infringes intellectual or industrial property rights, or other property rights of third parties.
Every user/visitor of the Website is obliged, in addition, not to perform acts or omissions, which may harm or disrupt its operation and access to third parties, or which may jeopardise the provision of services offered by Web page. The use of the website in an illegal manner or contrary to these Terms, gives rise to an obligation to compensate the Website and A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION for any positive or negative damage suffered by the above behaviour. Each user/visitor is also obliged not to provide false information about himself/herself, not to impersonate any other person, not to send spam or group mail, nor multiple copies of messages, and not to collect information about other users/visitors without their consent, including financial data and e-mail addresses.
4.7 The non-compliance of any user/visitor of this website with the applicable law and/or these Terms, gives the Website the right to take the necessary measures and to take any necessary action to address this behaviour. Thus, in such cases, it is entitled, indicatively, to prohibit access to services provided through this website or to delete, edit or move messages, respecting the principle of proportionality.
4.8 In the event that any third party takes legal action against A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION or the Administrators of the Website for infringing any of its legal property, which falls under the provisions of the Terms of Use in the scope of the User's responsibility, A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION reserves the right to sue this user. Along with any claims of the third party, A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION reserves the right to demand compensation from the User for breach of the Terms of Use and for any legal consequence arising therefrom.
4.9 The statements and notifications addressed to A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION by the visitors and users of the Website, except for the formal ones for the execution of the contracts with our electronic communications store, are obligatorily sent through a registered letter to the headquarters of A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION. The corresponding statements to the user will be made by any suitable means. Any costs or compensation that A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION may be required to pay, due to a violation by a user/visitor of the Website of his/her obligations, arising from these Terms, shall be borne by the said user/visitor, who is obliged to pay them on the Website immediately and without having to go to court.
5. Registration – Newsletter
5.1 User registration is not required to browse the Website.
5.2 If desired, the User can subscribe to the newsletter of A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION by providing his e-mail address. Upon sharing this address with A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION the User accepts the communication of A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION with him/her for promotional and advertising purposes. A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION commits not to forward this address to third parties.
5.3 The User can unsubscribe from the newsletter of A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION at any time, announcing his/her intention to A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION. After this notification, his/her e-mail address is deleted from each file of A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION within 5 working days.
6. Personal Data Protection
(please see also in detail: The Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy)
6.1 Legislative framework
6.1.1 Processing of personal data is any action related to the collection, registration, organisation, preservation or storage, modification, export, use, transmittal, dissemination or any other form of disposal, association or combination, interconnection, seizure, deletion or destruction of personal data (hereinafter referred to as "Processing").
6.1.2 For the processing of the personal data of the User, A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION acts as the Controller and this processing is done in accordance with the current Greek legislation. The A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION declares that it fully complies with the provisions of the applicable Greek law (European Regulation 679/2016 and current Greek legislation).
6.2 Data provided directly by the User
6.2.1 The A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION processes the information provided by the User through the Website, either by subscribing to the Newsletter of A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION or by completing the Contact Form. This information is indicatively: the User's name, e-mail address, telephone number, age, gender, TIN, competent tax office.
6.2.2 If the User disagrees with the use of his/her data for the promotion and advertising of the services of A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION, he/she can state it where asked when completing the above-mentioned contact forms.
6.3 The information submitted by users/visitors of this website to A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION through it, is considered as non-confidential information and is not an asset of the user/visitor in question. The Website may collect limited and necessary information, for its general commercial activities based on Section 6 (1) (f) of the General Regulation for Personal Data 679/2016. It is noted that due to the particular nature of the website, it is necessary to collect and process personal data, in order to be able to send the products to the address of and to the individual user/customer. This information is not disclosed to third parties, nor is it used for any other purpose.
6.4 A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION may keep and process a file of personal data that users/visitors voluntarily register on the Website, always in accordance with the applicable provisions for the protection of the individual from the processing of personal data and under the use of security procedures. The users/visitors of the website recognise and accept the keeping and processing of their personal data for the purposes for which they submit them to A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION. In any case, each subject related to the above personal data, reserves in relation to A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION all his/her rights on his/her personal data as those derive from the current legal framework. Thus, the customer, when addressing in writing to the Website, has the right to full information about his/her personal data held by it, the right to object and correct them, the right to portability and the right to withdraw his/her consent, for the processing of personal data that concern him/her, at any time, in accordance with current legislation.
6.5 A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION declares and the customers/users accept that the personal data collected from the Website and concerning the customers/users will be used to manage their request, i.e. to support, promote and execute the transaction, their better service in the future, their information about products related to the ones they have already bought, as well as their information about future offers and advertising actions of the Website. The recipient of this information is exclusively the Website in the context of the transaction, as well as any natural or legal person to whom, under applicable law, the Website is obliged or entitled to disclose the information, based on the consent of the customer/user, law, or court decision.
6.6 A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION states that, during the period of keeping these data/personal data, it will use them legally, taking the necessary security measures and maintaining their confidentiality, deleting these data from its file, in accordance with the current legislation. The Website takes all appropriate measures to ensure the confidentiality of user/customer communications and transmitted information and data, in accordance with applicable law. However, the Website does not guarantee the security of data transmitted over networks, to the extent that their protection is not achieved by taking appropriate security measures, imposed by law and any relevant direct, indirect, positive, negative, material or non-material damage that the user may have suffered from accessing the internet.
6.7 Users/visitors are responsible for any posting of personal data of third parties on the Website without the relevant authorisation/consent, as well as for the submission of false, untrue or inaccurate details and data.
6.8 In case access to individual websites or services of the Website presupposes the use of a username and password and/or further data (e.g., E-mail, Name, Surname, Landline, Mobile Phone, Age, Address, etc.), the user/visitor declares and accepts that he/she is solely responsible for their use or any leakage by him/her or third parties. Also, he/she declares and accepts that the above information is true, accurate and valid and that he/she is solely responsible for any action that he/she wanted to be performed using them, as well as that he/she assumes responsibility for the immediate information of A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION for any unauthorised use and for any violation or leakage thereof.
6.9 For any disputes that may arise between customers or between customers and third parties and are due to messages, data, details or information circulated through the Website, the latter states that the lift of confidentiality of the customer's telecommunications is allowed only if and to the extent that the website is required to fulfil its obligation in accordance with current legislation. It is expressly agreed that the above terms, the decisions of the statutory bodies of the State that apply to the transactions of electronic communications, as well as the relevant provisions in force at the time are governed by Greek Law.
6.10 According to the Directive 2013/11/EC, which was incorporated in Greece with the Joint Ministerial Decision 70330/2015, the possibility of electronic settlement of consumer disputes with the Alternative Dispute Resolution procedure (ADR) is now provided throughout the European Union.
If the customer has the status of a consumer (i.e. a natural person, acting outside the professional capacity) and has any problem with a purchase made from our Website, he/she can initiate the ADR process through the single European platform for the electronic settlement of disputes (ADR platform) available at the following electronic address: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home.chooseLanguage
6.11 The A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION is not responsible for any damage or loss caused by the arbitrary or illegal use of the above data and reserves the right to claim compensation from the user, in case of any damage from arbitrary or illegal use, as well as to refuse the assignment of a password or to cancel an assigned password or to terminate the provision of these services to the user in case of violation of these terms of use.
If the user/visitor voluntarily discloses his/her personal or sensitive data through this website directly to third parties, it is up to him/her to investigate the terms of protection of this data by such third parties. The user/visitor accepts that the Website has absolutely no responsibility for such disclosures and for the consequent possible use of such data by other persons. Similarly, A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION bears absolutely no responsibility for any disclosure by users/visitors of this website of personal and/or sensitive data of third parties through the website, without the prior consent of the data carrier concerned.
Users/visitors should be aware that sending confidential information via e-mail is not the safest way to communicate, as there is always the risk of this information being read by third parties.
6.12 Data Obtained via Cookies
6.12.1 Microdata - Cookies
(please also see in detail: The Cookies Policy and the Data Protection Policy)
The Website uses small files called cookies to help us customise your experience. Cookies are small text files that contain information, which are sent by the Website management software and stored on the computer hard drive or in the storage space of each User's mobile device. Microdata are sent when you visit the Website. This information may include the type of server that each User uses, the type of computer, its operating system, ISPs, and other such information.
6.12.2 Microdata do not damage either your computer or your mobile device or the files stored on it and they do not access any document or file from the User's computer. The microdata cannot reveal the identity of the User but may be used to identify his/her computer.
6.12.3 Microdata are typically classified into session microdata (functionality microdata) and permanent microdata. Session microdata do not remain on the User's computer when he/she exits the website or browser. Permanent microdata are the ones that remain on the User's computer in order to allow his/her recognition by the Website and to facilitate his/her navigation on it. Permanent microdata can be deleted by the user himself/herself.
6.12.4 The use of microdata is technically necessary for the complete realisation of the User's connection to the Website. For this reason, before browsing the Website, the User is required to accept the storage of microdata files on his computer, according to Section 5 (3) of Directive 2002/58/EC, as it has been transferred into Greek law.
6.12.5 A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION can utilise the microdata for various reasons, indicatively:
(a) For the purpose of conducting surveys for statistical reasons and/or to improve the content and services of the Website and/or to assess its effectiveness, as well as for the instantaneous recording of public trends.
(b) For marketing purposes, in order to measure the effectiveness of the ads on our Website, how visitors use it, as well as for the display of ads related to the website of A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION on other websites, based on the previous visits of the User on it.
(c) Ability to present and operate advertising messages (banners).
(d) Social networking microdata.
6.12.6 The A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION can use web beacons (also called transparent GIF files, pixels or action tags, web bugs). These technologies are codes that provide a small graphical representation on a website or an e-mail. Web beacons can identify certain types of information on your computer, such as the microdata, the date and time a page was viewed, and a description of the page where the web beacon is located. In general, any file that was part of a website can act as a web beacon. Web beacons are used for the purpose of evaluating the user experience and preferences, as well as statistical recording. Third parties may also use web beacons on the Website to obtain audit, research and reporting information or to understand the User's interests and to tailor these ads.
6.12.7 Some of the third-party partners of the Website may use Flash type data, otherwise known as Locally Shared Objects (LSOs). Flash microdata is used to identify the user's interests through the Sections you advise and more generally to monitor user behaviour. LSOs maintain data sets such as microdata, stored in a directory on a user's computer, and are installed through Adobe Flash Player.
6.13.1 The A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION processes the personal data of its customers for the purposes imposed by the execution of the contract and agreement between them.
6.13.2 The User gives his/her consent, expressly agrees and unconditionally accepts any processing action that A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION will carry out in the context of the provision of its Services to the User, indicatively in order to represent the User, and to mediate in the relevant procedures with the public and tax authorities to ensure and serve the financial, accounting, tax and other related needs of the User.
6.13.3 The personal data of the User are kept throughout the contract with A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION and for three (3) years after its expiration, unless a longer period is provided based on the current tax legislation. You can request the deletion of your personal data at an earlier stage, which we will comply with, if permitted.
6.14 User Consent
6.14.1 The User of the Website and of the services must carefully read the Terms of Use, and in case of disagreement must first refrain from using it and inform the Tsilonis-Vogiatzoglou Law Firm, holder of the European trademark “Newlaw”, 10 Tsimiski str., 546 24 Thessaloniki, tel. 2310 551 501, fax: 2310 261 503, e-mail: dataprotect@newlaw.gr, which is the Data Protection Officer of A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION (hereinafter, the "Data Protection Officer").
6.14.2 By accepting the Terms of Use and by voluntarily providing the required personal data, the User provides his/her consent, expressly agrees and unconditionally accepts the processing of this personal data, which is done in accordance with the conditions specified in the Terms of Use.
6.14.3 The User has the right to withdraw his/her consent for the processing of his/her data at any time. However, this withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on his/her consent to the period prior to the withdrawal, nor the further processing of the same data, which is carried out under another legal basis, such as contract performance or the need to comply with a legal obligation, to which A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION is subject.
6.15 Purpose of processing
6.15.1 Any processing of personal data made by A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION takes place for legitimate and lawful purposes related to the provision of the services chosen by the User.
6.15.2 The User expressly declares and accepts that the personal data that he/she registers and discloses to A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION and which are collected and processed by it, are relevant, appropriate and not more than what is required in view of the aforementioned processing purposes.
6.15.3 The personal data of the User are used exclusively either for the service of his/her own financial and tax needs or for internal use by A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION, or on behalf of IRS (ΑΑΔΕ) if this is lawfully requested competently and we are legally obliged to cooperate. The data is also used to promote the services of A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION. For example, the e-mail addresses of the Users are used in order to receive newsletters for the services of A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION, but also for the communication with the customers of A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION through social media networks.
6.15.4 A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION commits not to use the personal data of the User for purposes other than those mentioned herein, without prior notice and, where required, his/her approval.
6.16. Right to be informed, right to access and object
6.16.1 The User reserves the rights prescribed by the provisions of Sections 15-22 of European Regulation 2016/679.
6.16.2 In particular, the User reserves the right to be informed about the processing, to have access to the personal data concerning him/her and which are or have been processed, as well as to object the processing of data concerning him/her, in accordance with the provisions of Sections 15-22 of European Regulation 679/2016, as well as the current Greek legislation. Regarding the objections, he/she may in particular request the correction, the temporary non-use, the seizure, the transfer or not, or even the deletion of his/her personal data.
7.16.3 For the proper exercise of the rights provided to the User pursuant to the aforementioned provisions, contacting A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION and written notification of the Responsible Data Protection Officer in regards to the claims of the User is essential.
7. Hyperlinks
7.1 Via appropriate links within the Website, access to third party websites may be provided. The placement of these links has been done for the sole purpose of facilitating the User during their internet browsing. It is in no way an indication of acceptance or approval of the content of the websites listed with the hyperlink. Each link leads to a different website, the browsing of which is subject to the terms of use of that website. A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION is not responsible in any case for the content/services of other websites, whose "hyperlinks" or ads are posted on the Website, does not guarantee their availability and is not responsible for any damage caused from their use, as the visitor/user accesses them solely at his/her own risk. Finally, A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION bears absolutely no responsibility for the content and the personal data management policy of the website listed with a link and invites the User to carefully check the Terms of Use, the Data Protection Policy, and the Microdata Policy (Cookies) of websites visited through provided hyperlinks.
8. Modification of Terms of Use
8.1 The A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION may at any time modify this text in writing and without justification. Therefore, the User is advised to periodically check the content of these terms and as long as he/she continues to use the Website and the services to accept the modified Terms of Use. Otherwise, he/she must abstain from using the services and inform A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION about it. In the event of total or partial invalidity or inability to apply individual terms, the validity of all other terms is not affected.
9. Applicable law and jurisdiction
9.1 These Terms of Use, as well as any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them and any dispute, in general, arising from the use of this website or relating to these Terms, applicable law, according to the site of permanent establishment, operation and economic activity of the store and its country of origin, are governed by and interpreted in accordance with the Greek Law. If any provision is deemed invalid or void by the competent Greek court, it ceases to be valid, without this affecting the validity of the other Terms. Any omission on the side of A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION to exercise a specific right or condition arising from this does not constitute a waiver thereof. It is expressly agreed and mutually accepted that the Courts of Thessaloniki will have exclusive jurisdiction regarding any dispute or claim that may arise between A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION and the User and is governed by this.
9.2 However, it is noteworthy that A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION has the constant aim to resolve amicably and out of court any disputes that may arise from the potential use and/or interpretation and application of these terms of use. For this reason, in case you, as a user/member, identify a legally and/or ethically problematic element, information or topic on the website, please inform immediately the administrator of the website at info@antoniaskaraki.com.
10. Contact us
10.1 For any clarification and provision of information related to the use of the Website www.antoniaskaraki.com the user/visitor can address the Limited Partnership Antonia Skaraki and Co L.P., owner of the A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION trademark (hereinafter A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION) based at Pavlou Mpakogianni 28B, 145 62, Kifisia Athens, tel.: +30 210 808 66 36, TIN: 801468167, IRS: Kifisias, e-mail: info(at)antoniaskaraki(dot)com, as well as the Data Protection Officer of A.S. STRATEGY BRANDING & COMMUNICATION, Tsilonis-Vogiatzoglou Law Firm (Newlaw), Tsimiski 10, 546 24 Thessaloniki, tel. 2310 551 501, fax: 2310 261 503, e-mail: dataprotect@newlaw.gr.