A.S. A dynamic presence at 2nd Chania Business Forum
18 November 2019
2nd Chania Business Forum Chania Chamber of Industry and Commerce 2 & 3 November 2019
“Perspectives of growth: Earth – Civilization – Destination” were the three themes around which the Forum was developed. Established speakers covered every aspect and presented equivalent global practices which may be used as a manual for sharpening the competitiveness of business members of Chania Chamber of Industry and Commerce.
When place branding is reinforced with values it can help all parties involved to feel publicly responsible for their doings. The CCIC and its president Antonis Rokakis gave a different perspective of things and all us attendees felt on the same wavelength. As Dora Bakoyannis, Chania MP said “it’s not Fraport’s business to bring tourists to Crete. It’s ours.” We talk about a feeling of responsibility which can lead to something exceptional as long as there’s enough culture.
Following, the ex-Minister for Culture and Tourism, Pavlos Geroulanos suggested to use the raki cauldrons to extend the tourist period. We all agreed to that. “I don’t understand why thousand of Greeks and hundreds of thousands of Europeans should go all over Germany to consume litres of beer during Octoberfest, while they could and should visit Crete for the raki cauldrons of November during the Novemberfest”, he said. We’re talking about self-evident cultural experiences.
Another thing pointed out during the forum was the importance of Storytelling and its use to create image, awareness and value for a brand, confirming Steve Jobs’ quote “The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller”. As Antonis Rokakis, Chairman of the Chania Chamber stated “the aim is always the same: innovation”. Knowledge and self-conscience lead us to different perspectives which are necessary to achieve our goal. Congratulations to CCIC for taking the initiative and organising a forum which guides the participants to take the right steps towards the completion of that goal.