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Lucky Bread
  • Awarded
  • Lucky Bread
  • Lucky Bread
  • Lucky Bread
  • Lucky Bread
  • Lucky Bread
  • Lucky Bread
  • Lucky Bread

Lucky Bread

In Crete, the 'xobliastres' gently weave the 'kouloura' of life and good fortune. They mold the dough into a perfect circle and adorn it with symbols - the 'xomblia.' Their fingers transform into fairy fingers, crafting lotus flowers for luck and strength. They sculpt a dragon for protection. The tree of life, sprouting leaves to make our hope and optimism grow. They mold an owl to show us the way when darkness falls. The women embroider upon the dough, weaving threads of our good fortune and new beginnings.

  • Visual Identity
  • Image Language
  • Illustration Language
  • Packaging Design

Awards & Distinctions


World Brand Design Awards

Silver Award

Illustration: Self Promotion
2024C2A AwardsBest ofBest in Branding - Promotional items
Muse Awards

Gold Award

Packaging Design Self Promotion
PentawardsCommendationBrand Identity & Connected Packaging
The Red Dot AwardsRed Dot
Indie Awards

Gold Award

Visual Communication
Indie Awards

Silver Award

Dieline Awards

2nd place

ED Awards

Silver Award

European AwardsSilver Award

Packaging Awards

Platinum AwardDisplay - Promotional Packaging - Point of Sale
Packaging AwardsGold AwardDisplay - Promotional Packaging - Point of Sale
Packaging AwardsGold Award
